My greatest satisfaction is when my clients rave about my service (my Above and Beyond Award for routinely surpassing clients' expectations is a treasured accomplishment). My very favorite feedback is when I hear that, besides having helped them be successful, they had fun. My goal with a client is to help them be so wildly successful and pleased with the experience, that I'm their real estate guy for life—more than that, that they can't shut-up about me to friends!
My family is firmly rooted in Castle Rock. My wife, Cami, is an R.N. for Kaiser Permanente. Both daughters play for The Rapids competitive travel soccer club and fight to take our Jack Russell Terrier "Duke" to the dog park. I'm deeply involved in town government, serving as a Planning Commissioner after previously chairing the Public Safety Commission. I'm also very involved with Greenhouse Scholars—most significantly as a mentor.
We love being a part of this community in this beautiful place! I assist clients predominantly in the South Metro Denver Area, frequently in Castle Rock, and am the Nextdoor Neighborhood Favorite (again) in Terrain where I work as the expert in my own "backyard!" If you have goals involving real estate, I welcome the opportunity to interview for your trust and business.